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Michael Deaver: 1938 - 2007


Michael Deaver, Vice Chairman of my firm, Edelman, and longtime advisor and friend to Reagan and his family, passed away on Saturday morning after a fight with pancreatic cancer.

I was truly blessed to have spent time with and benefited from the wisdom of this man. I credit him with helping me begin my career at Edelman - and have saved every kind and encouraging note I ever received from him. Edelman has set up a tribute page on which I wrote:

I had the honor of knowing Mr. Deaver since I started at Edelman over a year and a half ago. One could not help but be motivated by the softspoken strength with which he conveyed his wisdom and unwavering conviction. I am not old enough to fully understand the effect that Mr. Deaver had on our country and on communications, but I know, from the many generous and encouraging notes and exchanges I shared with him, that I, Edelman, our industry, and our country, have lost a great friend and ambassador. He will be sorely missed by all.

One of the most powerful statements of remembrance has come from Henry Pierce, Executive Director of Clean and Sober Streets, a District-based long-term residential substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation program for homeless and economically disadvantaged men and women:

“Mike Deaver came to us as a volunteer at the end of the Reagan Administration, and has been our Chairman of the Board for the last 16 years. He fell in love with the program and became our guardian angel, responsible for keeping the doors open to the thousands of people we’ve treated to this day.

“Every Christmas Eve without fail, Mike would show up, serve dinner to the residents and their families, play the piano and lead the Christmas carol singing. He would be on hand for every graduation ceremony, and helped place many of them in their first real jobs. He saw the potential in each one of us, and gave his heart to the individual as well as the program.”

Below is a conversation between Mr. Deaver and Charlie Rose after the passing of President Reagan.

HT: Krempasky

Mike, we will miss you. Thank you, and Godspeed.


  1. Suzanne Roy wrote:

    A beautiful tribute. . .

    Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 4:45 pm | Permalink
  2. Bessie Dausch wrote:

    After recently watching a Reagan biography, I never realized the closeness Mike Deaver shared with the president and his family. You could really see the quiet wisdom attributed to him in the way he reflected on his varied experiences in the White House. And I agree, a wonderful remembrance.

    Monday, August 27, 2007 at 12:38 am | Permalink

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